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washing machine in operation

Maintaining Your Washing Machine Is an Easy New Year’s Resolution to Keep

Week after week, your washing machine fulfills its responsibilities to your household. To make sure it can continue to do a great job keeping your clothes clean, give it a little attention. Make it a New Year’s resolution to take care of the tasks described below.

Use the Right Kind of Laundry Detergent

Many newer washing machines are high-efficiency models. This means that they use less water than their traditional counterparts. As such, they need high-efficiency detergent. Otherwise, you won’t get the right amount of suds, and you could have trouble getting your clothes clean. In addition, make sure you’re using the recommended amount of detergent. Using too much can cause a residue to be left on clothes. The residue can trap dirt and minerals and make clothes look faded.

Let Things Dry

Your washing machine obviously gets wet, but it shouldn’t stay wet all the time. This would encourage the development of mold and mildew. Try to air things out as much as possible between loads. The easiest way to do so is by leaving the door open when your laundry machine is not in use. If you live in a humid environment, consider wiping down the machine after every use.

Check the Hoses

Occasionally, take a look at the hoses that bring cold and hot water to the washing machine. Do they look like they’re in good condition? Is any water leaking? If you notice an issue, these hoses and their connectors or valves may need to be replaced. We recommended checking these components during a load or after you’ve run a load because that’s when water will be most likely to leak.

Clean the Washing Machine

While its job is to clean clothes, your washing machine also needs to get cleaned. You should run a washing machine cleaner through the machine about once every month. Other ideas for cleaning your washing machine include putting it through a sanitizing cycle, if your machine has that setting. Wipe down the machine’s gasket, trying to reach all the areas you can. Water has a tendency to hide in certain areas, and you might be surprised at how much dirt and dust can accumulate in some spots. Further, clean the dispensers by hand in the sink, if possible. If you can’t remove them, just wipe them down.

Keep Up With These Cleaning Tasks

As the new year begins, it’s a great time to improve things around your home. Taking care of your washing machine can pay off in the long run, as it will keep your clothes cleaner and help you get the most out of your investment. If you ever experience an issue and need help with washers and dryers in Oklahoma City, OK, call Col-Tech Appliance Repair.

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